Top questions
Delivery time
The production of blinds takes approximately 4 weeks. When ready they will ship straightaway and delivered in about a week, depending on your destination.
You find the measuring instructions on each product page when scrolling down.
Pleaes note the different instructions for cord pull and chain pull blinds.
All our blinds can be easily mounted horizontally as well as vertically in walls, ceilings, window frames, etc. Mounting material for both cord and chain pull blinds are included.
Sun blocking factor
This is a matter of judgement. Based on our assessment, the blinds range from coverering approximately 25 to 98%. This percentage is stated in the product description.
We recommend ordering a sample before making your choice.
Made to order
All blinds are made to order and can therefore not be exchanged or returned. Please double check your measurements before placing your order and get in touch if you need assistance.
Can I install the blinds myself
Setting up the installation is quite simple, making it feasible for most individuals to complete on their own.
Measuring for multiple blinds next to each other
For cord pull blinds, the finished dimensions of the blinds match the size ordered, so make sure there is approx. 1 to 2 cm between the blinds and a minimum of 1 cm from the edge of the blind to the frame. The longer the blinds, the more space in between is recommended.
For chain pull blinds placed next to each other, measure from wall to wall and add 0.5 cm per blind. For example, if you measure 200 cm and 2 blinds are to be hung side by side, each blind should be given a width of 100.5 cm.
Blinds with cord pull
The diameter of the roll
As the materials used for these blinds are all fine and lightweight, the diameter of the roll hardly doesn't exceed 10 cm in most cases.
On the largest blinds with the thickest fabric, the roll measures a maximum of 10 cm in diameter at a length of 230 cm. On the smallest blinds with the finest fabric, the diameter of the roll measures around 5 cm, at a length of 160 cm.
Mounting brackets
The upper part of the cord pull roller blind is equiped with 2 or 3 small brackets, depending on the width of the blind. Two for blinds from 30 to 120 cm, three for blinds wider than 120 cm (this only applies to bamboo blinds) and up to four for extra large blinds up to 240 cm in width wide.
Replacing the cord
The blind's cord rarely breaks when used correctly. If breakage does occur, it can be easily replaced. A complimentary cord will be sent within the 24-month warranty period. Afterwards, a replacement cord can be purchased.
Side of cord pull
The cord pull is placed on the right side of the blinds by default. A surcharge of €55 applies when you wish the cord pull to be replaced to the left, just leave your wishes in the comment field when checking out.
A link to pay for the change will be send when your order is processed.
Blinds with chain pull
The diameter of the roll
As the materials used for these blinds are all fine and lightweight material, it mainly is the tube on the upper part of the blinds that determines the diameter of the roll.
The size of the tube used is based on the size of the blind. On the largest blinds, the diameter of the roll will measure a maximum of 12 cm. On the smallest blinds with the finest fabric, the diameter will measure a maximum of 3 cm.
Mounting parts
The size of the brackets depend on the design and size (diameter) of the blind. The brackets used measure from 5 to 9 cm deep. If you wish to find out the exact details, please get in touch.
The mounting parts of the chain pull blinds come in white by default, but are also available in black. If you prefer black, just leave a note when checking out. There is no surcharge.
Chain pull
The metal chain for the blinds can be placed on the left or right side and is chrome coloured by default. It is also available in black metal and if you like to have this changed just leave a note at check out, there is no surcharge.
Still questions? Get in touch.


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